We sincerely thank all the customers who visited our stand and a “SEE YOU” at the next edition of 2025!

This remarkable work of art and ingenuity is 460 centimetres long, 180 centimetres wide, 3.5 centimetres thick per 180 di larghezza, con uno weighs 120 kilograms.
That said, contrary to custom, the duckboard in question will not take to the sea aboard some luxurious vessel. Instead, it will be the table top in a home.
Of course, we’re not talking about just any home, it’s for a royal palace, the address of which is top secret, as is the name of the person who lives there. The only hint we can reveal is that the mysterious client is an emir.
We felt particularly proud, to receive this request, not just as a company but also as Italians.
It is simply one more confirmation that our “know-how” is unique andinimitable.
Additional proof that the Italian nautical industry, in its broadest sense, enjoys unrivalled and recognition around the world.
We have played a part in expressing this, and we continue to do so.
The epic undertaking required meticulous, in-depth studies to solve technical problems, something like 80 hours of non-stop work and a vast quantity of materials: 25 teak planks of various lengths and thicknesses, 800 millilitres of catalysed epoxy resin for gluing and 40 discs of different grits for sanding.
It was an incredible challenge – exciting, stimulating – also because it took us out of our comfort zone of yachts and forced us to think outside the box.